World’s first traceable cryogenic LNG reference liquids developed at EffecTech.
LNG has its own unique measurement issues related to vapourisation and enrichment. In response to this, EffecTech has developed a bespoke cryostat facility for the production of cryogenic LNG reference liquids.
For more information, or to send a RFQ, please contact us.
Case study: Ensuring confidence in liquid natural gas composition
Read the Euramet case study about EffecTech’s ISO 17025 accredited liquefier for the calibration of spectroscopic instruments, such as Raman, for measuring liquefied natural gas (LNG).
About validations
Watch our video of a validation of a direct measurement LNG analyser at EffecTech’s UKAS accredited ISO 17025 facility
Direct measuring devices are less labour intensive than gas chromatographs and are often preferred for bunkering ships, floating production storage and offloading units (FPSOs), and small-scale terminals.

However, as daily calibrations cannot be carried out, initial and regular validations of direct measuring devices are vital to ensure no mismeasurements are made.
EffecTech can carry out ISO 17025 accredited calibrations and validations of your instruments using our bespoke facility by producing cryogenic reference liquids.
Bespoke consultancy
EffecTech is at the forefront of LNG quality measurement techniques and would like to work with partners in industry to develop LNG gas quality measurement standards. If you have a project you would like to discuss, please contact us.
GIIGNL LNG Custody Transfer Handbook
How the cryostat works
The cryostat is an LNG calibration device.
What are the issues with LNG sampling?
Pre-vapourisation and enrichment occur when the LNG sample is not completely vapourised in a single step.