ME2 metering validations ensure that the instruments used for the calculation of mass, volume or energy flowrate are functioning correctly.
EffecTech’s methods are based on accepted industry standards such as National Grid’s T/PR/ME/2 Parts 1-3.
Benefits of working directly with EffecTech®
By working directly with EffecTech, customers can expect a fast, responsive and cost-effective service, tailored to your requirements:
- We are the experts in gas measurement – we can advise on how to improve GC performance
- All site work can be arranged to take place on one day, to reduce downtime.
What is a metering system validation?
A metering system validation will reduce exposure to commercial risk created over time by over or under measurement of gas volume.
- Gas volume uncertainties are the dominant factor in the metering of energy. Regular validations will reduce mismeasurements and unaccounted for gas
- On-site calibrations of temperature, pressure and differential pressure ensuring traceable validations with defined uncertainty
Experienced EffecTech engineers will undertake validation of all fiscal meter stream elements, flow computers, and all associated instrumentation. The services includes:
- Inspections of the primary element
- Calibration of secondary instrumentation
- Full evaluation of flow computer calculations
Primary Instrumentation
EffecTech offers a witnessing and inspection service for orifice plates for wear and tear, and buckling, which may affect gas volume measurements.
In the case of rotary, turbine, ultrasonic, and coriolis meters, this will comprise of a non-invasive inspection and, where applicable, health and configuration checking.
However, orifice plates also need to be regularly re-calibrated by an accredited laboratory.
Secondary Instrumentation
EffecTech’s metering validation service offers the following:
- Calibration of pressure transmitters calibrated to ensure a high standard of accuracy and traceability
- Calibration of temperature transmitters, or where applicable flow computer RTD inputs
- Full evaluation by simulation of all flow computer calculations where applicable in respect of density, standard density, calorific value, velocity of sound, flow rates, and flow integration
Flow Computer
Functions and calculations are verified against independent off-line calculations. Flow computer constants and system data such as meter factors, orifice plate and pipe dimensions, and gas composition dependent factors are inspected.
For more information, please contact us.